Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summary vs Analysis

What is the difference between a summary and an analysis?
A summary is a brief factual overview of a story's characters, setting, and plot. It simply describes who, what, when, and where without using the readers opinion of the story itself. The summary will follow the actual story in chronological order and highlight the main points of the story. Its like taking the story and chopping out all the vivid details and descriptions, leaving it with just the nitty gritty information important to the story's plot. It doesn't allow the reader to really dig deep into each sentence and explain their interpretation. Instead, its the cold hard facts.

An analysis is a partial summary filled with a readers opinion and thoughts. In an analysis, a reader is able to dive into the story itself and explain his/her interpretation of the story. The reader is able to express their feelings without "re-writing" the story. The analysis is also a detailed explanation of how the story was put together. It elaborates on what the story is trying to tell the reader without re-stating the same thing the original author had written.


  1. Hi Sam,
    You did a great job explaining the difference between summary and analysis. A summary doesn't offer the vivid details of the story, and does just hit the highlights. It reminds me of book reports you used to have to do in middle school. Just proof that you really read the book, not that you really understood it.
    An analysis is quite different. Summary can have some use in an analysis, but very little summary is required. I like that you said it is a way for the reader to explain what they got out of the story, without actually rewriting it. Very good description! I also think that analysis makes you ask yourself questions. "What did this mean?" or "Where was the author going with this?" It's just one more way to expand your reading, writing, and critical thinking skills!
    Good post,

  2. This will be my second attempt at leaving a comment as the first time I pressed post, my comment was deleted and said that I could not post to this blog. That being said, this will no doubt be an inferior comment and for that I appologize.

    As for your description of summary and analysis I was quite pleased with it. I especially liked your use of "nitty gritty/ cold hard facts" to describe summary. This instantly tells me that many details may be lost but the point is still going to get across. You were also quite clear that I should not expect any interpretation of meaning but merely the facts.

    Your description of analysis also seemed to be very good. I think someone with little understanding of analysis would be able to walk away with a firm grasp on its main ideas.

    thanks for the nice Calvin and Hobbs, it made me less angry that I had to do this all over.
